Contact us

We have complete control over our hot tub systems, design, manufacturing, sale price, and distribution. UBO Nature Switzerland.

We will be by your side to make your ideas come true.

Contact information

AVI Swiss Group SA

Avenue de la Gare 36,
2012 Auvernier Switzerland.

Rue des Draizes 7
2000 Neuchâtel Switzerland.

Factory: (100% subsidiary of AVI Swiss Group SA.)

Swiss Thai Water Solution Co., Ltd.

111 Moo.6 Tambon Khunkong, Amphoe Hangdong,
50230 Chiangmai, Thailand


Fill out the contact form

    Your request concerns:

    Nordic bath (Hot tub)
    Square spa (stainless-steel)
    Acrylic round spa (Cocoon)
    Swimming pool


      Please choose this case if you want to replace your existing water treatment system Please choose this case if you have project for a new pool Please choose this case if you look for an re-seller in your area Please choose this case if you are professional Check the box if you want to receive our Newsletter Other