Do you already offer a jacuzzi or hot tub?
Our jacuzzi and hot tubs are long-lasting and made with sustainable materials. A professional hot tub, equipped with an effective filtration solution, can stand several uses daily because it’s made to operate all day long. This kind of asset is the key to make the difference with your competitors. We do have the ultimate hot tub filter solution.
We offer an effective filtration solution for existing jacuzzis and hot tubs.

Do you have a problem with water quality control ?
Professional spa treatment solution
- Are bacteriological tests regularly out of range?
- Do you have trouble keeping the water of your professional hot tub within standards?
- Does your staff spend too much time on maintenance?
- Have you ever considered closing the bath?
- Do you wonder if your existing filtration is suitable for professional use?
- Are you interested in a professional filtration system that can be adapted to your installation and solve the problems related to heavy usage?

If you answered “yes” to at least three of the above questions…
You will find the hot tub filter solution that will solve all your problems.
10 years of development for establishments open to the public.
A unique filtration system, innovative in several ways and adapted to the needs of professionals subject to the strictest hygiene standards.
Professional spa treatment solution

Send us a message
Contact us
We have complete control over systems and hot tub: design, manufacturing, sale price, distribution. Contact us now to discuss your needs.
UBO Nature Switzerland
AVI Swiss Group SA
Avenue de la Gare 36,
2012 Auvernier Switzerland.
Rue des Draizes 7,
2000 Neuchâtel Switzerland.
Factory: (100% subsidiary of AVI Swiss Group SA.)
Swiss Thai Water Solution Co., Ltd.
111 Moo.6 Tambon Khunkong, Amphoe Hangdong,
50230 Chiangmai, Thailand
Phone number
(+66) 53-106-986
(+66) 53-106-987
Opening times
Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm
Contact our distribution partner.